About our nursery

Our aim is to provide the best experiences for children. In order to know who children are and what they are able to achieve, we ensure plenty of time is given for each child to show us.

Every day at Dreamcatcher, we ask ourselves 'How can we provide each child with the best opportunities for learning and growth?'. And every day, we are rewarded with the amazing things that those children return, both as learners and growing human beings!

Our staff →
Children playing.

Our staff

A nursery is only as good as its people. We believe that valued, well trained and respected practitioners allow your child to be stimulated, valued and well cared for.

We think it says a lot that many of the staff members have been with Dreamcatcher since it opened its doors in 2011. As a local nursery, they have taught many siblings from the same families. It’s a happy place to work and a happy environment for the children.

Dreamcatcher Childcare always invests time in recruiting those early years practitioners who share our beliefs and values. Crucially all our practitioners share the qualifications and/or experience, dedication, patience, integrity and creativity that are needed to create an environment in which children can shine.

We believe children must be at the centre of all that we do.

Catering and nutrition →
Nutrition at Dreamcatcher Childcare.

Balanced nutrition

At Dreamcatcher Childcare we have a dedicated chef preparing delicious, nutritionally balanced, meals. Aside from allergies, we know that at this age children have a defined sense of what they like… and what they don’t! We work closely with our parents to ensure that every child’s needs are catered for.

We offer breakfast, lunch and tea and healthy snacks. Menus are rotated on a 2 week basis offering a variety of different tastes and textures. Our menus follow the gov.uk guidelines for early years nurseries.

Our menus are created seasonally and are always sure to include fresh fruit and vegetables. At Dreamcatcher Childcare, mealtimes are not just about food, they are important occasions to come together and share a meal in the company of friends.

Keep in the loop

If you're looking to learn more about our nursery, please contact us.